Creative People

Meeting a sincere friend along your
career is a rare gift that should be
welcomed with great appreciation.
The time spent at work is also part of my life, therefore those
who accompanied me in all the moments of loving, grieving
and smiling are invaluable. Everyday shared with people who
know how to delight and comfort me is the greatest gift that I
received from the community named Segyesa.

It is the greatest gift that the community
named ‘Segyesa’ gave us.

Sometimes, I rely on my mentors who had
already walked the same path, to wash away
worries that had troubled me for long.
What a relief it is to have a close senior whose footsteps I want to follow.
How vital the presence of a prop is to the growth of a small tree.
I realize them anew as I glimpse at my future growing strong day by day.

A real team creates harmony
through acknowledging different tunes.
The essence of teamwork in Segyesa are skilled collaborations that
brings out the upmost synergy and fresh feedbacks that keep up
the tension. Eventually, we will manage to put all our fingers on one
clear goal. We are the dream team.
서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 507 8층
(삼성동, WeWork빌딩)
모든 문의사항은 메일로 보내주세요.
8F 9F, 542 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea 06071
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