: The Magic Question
In ideation conference where numerous
ideas that honors both classic values and
trends, are crafted,‘Why’ is a guide for us
to avoidthe traps of bias.
In marketing conference where immersion and synergy of the co-workers are
important,‘Why’is a trigger for us to launch into the world. From this question
mark that never fears to start again from zero, we learn the answers.
Workplace Democracy
The belief and practice that there should be no hierarchy
in ideas enabled a conference in which everyone wants to
speak up. Relaxed and free atmosphere reduces tension
and makes thoughts flexible. Soft thoughts can absorb
anything the world needs and any trend the world wants.
If you own a clear value there is no need
for a detour, for a straight march on a
chosen path is never a wrong answer.
Killer Contents Creators
We wonder. ‘What kind of contents stand at the forefront of the world?’
Sometimes the question arises; are we holding the standard too high for new contents? However the more we ponder, the more we get confident that moderation is never enough. The fact that we are together with people who has been successful is always encouraging. Records of 35 years led by unswaying values and confidence are our asset. Setting a firm foot on the basics, taking new perspectives, we get it done.
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Seoul, Republic of Korea 06071
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